Current Program offerings

What this looks like…

  • It is so rare that any of us were acknowledged when stepping into young womanhood and it is far more likely we were embarrassed, unprepared and it was talked about in hushed whispers, if at all...

  • If this was you, then it is time to reconnect with this young woman and take her on her own unique path to a place of acceptance and self-love.

  • To feel the sacredness of this time and bring this drifting part of us back home fully into our body.

  • Using the power of a Spring lunar cycle to immerse us in the experience, I will take you along a path to reconnect with the young woman that is hidden away within you.

  • I will hold the space for this unique circle of women, as I weave together powerful meditation journeys, journaling and your own personal introspection to bring you to a place of peace and acceptance.

  • You will be supported as you step through this rite of passage and onwards on your life journey with this drifting part of you brought home and fully integrated within your physical and emotional body.

  • Join me as we take this sacred pathway…🤍

What’s inside

Session 1

Thurs 23rd May / on the Flower Full Moon

Zoom 8-10pm

Introductions and sharing session, discussing personal experiences including a meditation journey for creating feelings of safety and connection.

Session 2

Thurs 6th June / on the New Moon

Zoom 8-9.30pm

Sharing session, gently speaking to the young woman within us in terms of her feelings and needs. Includes a meditation journey for releasing old, stuck emotions.

Session 4 - DAY gathering

Saturday 22nd June - In person 10-5pm

On the Strawberry Full Moon and within the Summer Solstice energy

A day of circle and ceremony to honour this young woman, to pass over the threshold and to enter through this sacred rite of passage.

This gathering will be held in the beautiful Weald of Kent countryside 🤍

Session 3

Thursday 13th June

Zoom 8-9.30pm

Sharing session, connecting to our menarche, our body and our womb space with a meditation journey to support and enhance this.



I have 2 bursary spaces open for this program, I would be delighted to offer you this option if it means you would not otherwise be able to attend.

Please contact me for further details.