A space to come together for gentle and sacred rest…

Does your Body remember how it feels to stop, take a breath and settle into the present moment?

Does your Heart remember what it feels like to live within the seasons and cycles of the Earth?

Does your Intuition remember what it feels like to be in tune with Mother Nature?

It is in moments of rest that we are able to remember these elements that nourish us so deeply.

Every time you take a moment to rest, your body trusts you a little bit more. It softens and it sighs and it regenerates.

I am deeply committed to creating and holding spaces for womenfolk to come back to themselves, settle back into their bodies, ease back to their breath and to remember their divine feminine wisdom. I find these spaces invaluable. They ground me, they connect me, they nourish me and they inspire me. 

These spaces are for deep rest and a space for you to connect back to you… 

Using traditional women’s circle methods and new ones, I weave in meditation and journey work alongside sharing circles and intention setting. Each gathering is different and tailored to and by, the season and cycle we are in, whilst maintaining a certain rhythm and flow to it which provides us a familiar structure to feel safe and held in each time.

As we sit in circle a unique moment in time is created, never to be repeated, with the individual and group energies of the women attending amplified, allowing us all to receive and connect and let go.

The day includes:

Sacred sharing circle to be seen, heard and witnessed. 

Guided meditation journeys tailored to the changing of the seasons.

Intention setting for the coming months.

Nature inspired rituals/making.

Herbal teas, water, fruit and snacks are provided. Plus, a delicious cake for an afternoon treat. 

Everyone brings their own personal lunch so that we all have something nourishing that we have chosen ourselves. 

You will be taking home some special gifts to start your own altar, or to add to an existing one.

I'd love you to join us as we gather in circle for connection and sacred, radical rest.

Day Gathering Dates 2024

These dates will be held at the beautiful converted barn at Boldshaves Garden, Woodchurch, Kent.

Set in gardens and woodland this gorgeous venue is peaceful and the perfect seasonally changing spot.

Click here for Google Maps: The Barn @ Boldshaves

I wish to make these spaces as accessible as possible for everyone so all the full day gatherings are available with a tiered pricing option as follows: £22.22 / £55.55 / £88.88.

There are limited spaces open for the 2 lower priced tiers so please do contact me if you would like the payment link for one of these.

For the £88.88 tier you are welcome to pay £44.44 to reserve your space and the balance of £44.44 two weeks prior to the event.

Kitchen Table Gathering Dates 2024

Held 8-10pm at my home in Biddenden, Kent with 6 spaces available.

These are mini versions of my day gatherings, always including a sharing circle and a guided meditation.

Just enough time to remind our bodies to settle back into rest, allow us to tune into the seasonal shifts and leave feeling nourished…

Payment by donation.

Please contact me if you are interested in this group and I will add you to the specific ‘Kitchen Table’ WhatsApp group for updates and further information.

“I wanted to express my thanks and gratitude for such a wonderful blissful nurturing day. I came along on my own and it was a pleasure to meet such wonderful women who were all so friendly and welcoming.

You created such a beautiful, sacred space, your meditations were wonderful and I really enjoyed the candle making. Poppy's homemade cake was delicious and the whole day was full of magical positive energy. I came away from the day feeling relaxed, refreshed and motivated to make positive changes in my day-to-day life. 

Your words of wisdom really inspired me and I feel I learned a lot from you. I enjoyed it so much I’ve already booked my place for the next one! The day was so beautiful Anna, thank you so much for what you do, you are amazing.”